This is a smattering of all the icons I have made this, and last, year that I have yet to show the world. I am still making icons, though not as heavily as I used to be. I am trying to find a good style, and improve my abilities.
Hi, ho! I live. <3 Though I feel dreadfully out of sorts with icons. These are...okay. Do tell me what you all think of them. A few I am happy with the rest I am unsure of. I want to give credit to some of the brilliant artists who made the fan-art I used. I do not claim any images as my own.
20 icons for guys20in20. I actually completed a claim this month; I'm rather proud. It felt so good to get back into iconing, and, it was my first time working with Tom Hiddleston. I am fairly satisfied with this batch, but comments and critique are always so very welcome.